Field 1

Both fields have a shelter for those raining days. Please do remember when sheltering that you still have a duty to pick up after your dog.
Field 1 Approx 2.5 acre field with various tyres, weaving poles and enrichment items for your dogs to use.
If choosing to drive into the field please let the person before you leave first. Unlock the padlock with the code you have been sent, drive through the large gate onto the hardcore area only, do not drive onto the grass, please make sure you shut the gate behind you before you let your dog/s out of your car. On leaving reverse out into the carpark area and re lock the gate with the padlock remembering to spin the dial and keeping the padlock with the dial facing up which makes it easier for the next user. Or use the code to unlock the padlock to the smaller gate please keep your dog/s lead until in the field and the gate is closed behind you. On leaving please remember to replace the padlock and spin the dial.
Remember to stay in your vehicle and or away from the entrances to the fields until the previous user has got their dog/s back out of the field and are a safe distance away so as not to upset yours or their dog. Your booking includes the time it takes you to get into and out of the field.
Please remember to bring poo bags and pick up after your dog, so the next user can enjoy the field. We would ask that you do not leave litter in the fields.
There is a bin located outside the field for you to dispose of your poo bags and any other litter.